Senior Researcher

Job title
Senior Researcher
Research group
  • Nieuw Ondernemerschap

After positions as marketing manager at a bank and a publisher, Han has been a lecturer at the English-language Avans bachelor’s program in International Business. There he gained extensive knowledge and expertise on sustainable business operations and the mindset of the director/owner of the company necessary for this. Han has also conducted doctoral research on value patterns and intentions of sustainable entrepreneurs in SMEs, how impact on behavior depends on this and how this impact can be strengthened.


Han has developed broad expertise in the drivers of sustainable business and the methods for researching this, with translation into new educational modules. He also has knowledge of project applications and project management. Han has led several projects on aspects of the circular economy, including “Higher up the ladder” on steel reuse in the construction industry.


Han on a sustainable future:

We need the pessimism of reason and the optimism of will to embed the importance of sustainable values in our economic actions.