In our Centre of Expertise, lecturers, (teacher) researchers, project managers and other team members work every day on innovative, experimental and action-oriented research, which we use to connect with the people and the world around us. Read more about our projects here.

Collective Value Chain of Local Linen
Over the past year and a half, we have been working with 5 partners in agriculture, manufacturing and retail on the 'Collective Value Chain of Local Linen' project. The aim is to build capacity for flax cultivation and linen production in the Netherlands, with each stage in the chain adding value.

Collective innovation for the biobased transition
Uit voorgaand onderzoek ‘Van Award naar Impact’ bleek dat de gewenste transitie naar een duurzame maatschappij niet louter aan de markt of marktdenken overgelaten kan worden. Het doel van dit project is om te onderzoeken of wij samen met de praktijkpartners een prototype van collectieve innovatie kunnen ontwerpen dat wel werkt om onder andere de biobased transitie te versnellen.

Just Transition Fund (JTF) project C-Recycle
This project focuses on the transition from the linear to a circular chemical industry in western North Brabant. The project partners are working to develop advanced chemical recycling techniques, combined with comprehensive education and training programmes, to achieve a sustainable future.

Onderzoekers van Avans' Centres of Expertise (CoE) MNEXT en BWNO nemen deel aan een grootschalig onderzoeksinitiatief gericht op het aanpakken van de maatschappelijke, juridische en economische aanpassingen die nodig zijn om de overgang naar een waterstofeconomie te ondersteunen.

In the IMPACT-UP Knowledge Coalition for Brabant impact entrepreneurs project, we are working together with Breda University of Applied Sciences, Tilburg University, Has green academy and Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Together, we connect research capacity and develop knowledge to strengthen a sustainable and social economy in the region.

Marketing is driving consumption. This while consumption is a major contributor to climate change and individuals do not actually get happier from all that consumption. Could marketing also become a driver of less consumption?

Transformative communication: Seeking the golden mean between greenwashing and green hushing.

Mindset for the Emergence of a Culture of Economic Well-being (KIEM)

Good Growth: The application of knowledge from nature to the growth of (small) green brands
In this research, we were faced with the question of developing a method for positive impact organizations to grow faster, with inspiration from growth strategies from nature.

The Devil’s Avocado
'The Devil's Avocado' is a short feature film by Avans University of Applied Sciences and PEERFILM. This film, featuring Jan Terlouw and Ilse Warringa, among others, paints a picture of the impact of the business practices of three generations of entrepreneurs on the climate and local communities. What choices can (or should?) they make?

The Devil’s Avocado
'The Devil's Avocado' is a short feature film by Avans University of Applied Sciences and PEERFILM. This film, featuring Jan Terlouw and Ilse Warringa, among others, paints a picture of the impact of the business practices of three generations of entrepreneurs on the climate and local communities. What choices can (or should?) they make?

ELEC 2023
The annual international conference ELEC, held each year in a different European city, focuses on knowledge exchange within and between education and business on Lean thinking as a management and improvement philosophy.

Fair Jobs
Fair Jobs is an action research project on how the staffing industry works when it comes to mediating migrant workers. The project tests whether it is possible to do this fairly by putting the interests of temporary workers first.

Diggin 2 Serve
The Digging 2 Serve project aims to provide insights into the increasing digitization of service SMEs and how relationship management is shaped in an international setting.

Continuous improvement in service delivery
With research at two long-term elderly care organizations, researchers are testing their own developed model "Elements of a continuously improving organization." By doing so, they also want to contribute to the improvement culture within these organizations.

The Devil’s Avocado
'The Devil's Avocado' is a short feature film by Avans University of Applied Sciences and PEERFILM. This film, featuring Jan Terlouw and Ilse Warringa, among others, paints a picture of the impact of the business practices of three generations of entrepreneurs on the climate and local communities. What choices can (or should?) they make?

ELEC 2023
This fall, Den Bosch is the setting for the 9th edition of the European Lean Educators Conference (ELEC). For three days an international audience will be challenged to discuss the future with and of lean management.

De Circulaire SPRONG
The aim of De Circulaire Sprong (The Circular Leap) is to unlock new economic earning potential and social impact in the region. This will lay the foundation for an industrial circular transition.
De Circulaire Sprong is a joint initiative of Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Avans University of Applied Sciences. This research is financially supported by the National Regieorgaan SIA.

SUSTainable Artistic INnovation (Sustain)
In SUSTAIN, we develop a well-founded and manageable Brokers Knowledge Canvas that describes which tensions develop in collaborations between artists and entrepreneurs and why and how to make them work. We focus on the 'stuff' in the collaboration, and develop knowledge before and with the innovation brokers on how to realise synergy, both in the here and now and in the long term.

SUSTainable Artistic INnovation (Sustain)
In SUSTAIN doen we gericht onderzoek naar innovatiebrokers, ‘derde partijen’ die ernaar streven kunst en ondernemerschap als verschillende innovatiesferen effectief bij elkaar te brengen.