Mindset for the Emergence of a Culture of Economic Well-being (KIEM)

The Devil’s Avocado

'The Devil's Avocado' is a short feature film by Avans University of Applied Sciences and PEERFILM. This film, featuring Jan Terlouw and Ilse Warringa, among others, paints a picture of the impact of the business practices of three generations of entrepreneurs on the climate and local communities. What choices can (or should?) they make?

The Devil’s Avocado

'The Devil's Avocado' is a short feature film by Avans University of Applied Sciences and PEERFILM. This film, featuring Jan Terlouw and Ilse Warringa, among others, paints a picture of the impact of the business practices of three generations of entrepreneurs on the climate and local communities. What choices can (or should?) they make?
ELEC pictogram

ELEC 2023

The annual international conference ELEC, held each year in a different European city, focuses on knowledge exchange within and between education and business on Lean thinking as a management and improvement philosophy.

Fair Jobs

Fair Jobs is an action research project on how the staffing industry works when it comes to mediating migrant workers. The project tests whether it is possible to do this fairly by putting the interests of temporary workers first.

SUSTainable Artistic INnovation (Sustain)

 In SUSTAIN doen we gericht onderzoek naar innovatiebrokers, ‘derde partijen’ die ernaar streven kunst en ondernemerschap als verschillende innovatiesferen effectief bij elkaar te brengen.